eCommerce Rick Watson eCommerce Rick Watson

Amazon Q2 2023 Earnings: AWS Passes Cost Optimization Inflection Point and Accelerates Into Growth

Discover Amazon's dynamic growth and strategic shifts across its diverse ventures. Dive into the cloud giant's 12% year-on-year expansion, transforming its retail core into an AI powerhouse. Explore their prowess in compute infrastructure, AI models, and applications. Uncover Amazon's retail strides, from same-day facilities to advertising revenue spikes, as it continues to reshape the industry landscape.

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SaaS Rick Watson SaaS Rick Watson

Shopify Q2 2023: In Attack Mode After Ending Logistics Side Quest

In this article, we delve into Shopify's strategic rise in e-commerce, spotlighting its surging GMV, revenue, and cash flow metrics. With an offensive approach spanning diverse sectors, discover how Europe's growth surpasses the US. Uncover Q2 highlights, including a 17% GMV surge and 31% revenue rise. Brace for Q3's growth projection, amplified margins, and enhanced Free Cash Flow (FCF) profitability – all shaping Shopify's dynamic journey.

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