eCommerce Rick Watson eCommerce Rick Watson

Shopify Summer Editions: Raising the Water Level

Explore how Shopify's Summer Editions release goes beyond unification, raising the water level with more defaults, competitive checks, and enhanced convenience. Discover key updates like unified inventory, advanced analytics, and improved POS integration. This comprehensive review highlights Shopify's strategic moves to close gaps with competitors and elevate merchant and buyer experiences.

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SaaS Rick Watson SaaS Rick Watson

Salesforce Not Credible: It's Not Your Goto-Market It's Your Product

Explore the challenges facing Salesforce Commerce and why its once-great platform is now plagued by stagnation and lack of innovation. Discover the key elements needed to reboot Salesforce's Commerce product, and understand why customers are losing trust despite recent AI advancements. Learn why a credible product vision and a trusted roadmap are essential for Salesforce's recovery.

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