How Shopify Is Disrupting The Merch Sector?
Netflix has been in the news for their new shop.
In this space about 5 years ago DeliveryAgent declared bankruptcy and left a big crater in the licensed goods agency space (think GSI Commerce for networks/studios). It used to partner with many different TV networks, etc., to run its eCommerce businesses.
These days, Shopify (and other cloud platforms) are simple enough that many tech-forward companies are running their merchandising in-house. Which is not a normal workflow movie/TV studio. What are the keys to making this work?
Independence. The eCommerce team executing marketing and operations needs the ability to run separately from groups within Netflix that are responsible for the content.
Integration. Although the eCommerce team needs freedom, if they are blindsided by the needs of the studio, the whole thing falls apart. Planning needs to be integrated from the beginning. When a new episode drops, the hot merch needs to be on the homepage. Period.
Supply chain. Netflix needs to take a lesson from Shein. Trends live to site in 5 days. Possible? Definitely.
(One improvement: I didn't like about the Netflix vs HBO was Netflix didn't tell me when my package would arrive at checkout. Shop HBO did, and was less expensive.)