eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Why Did I Leave Software Development? Job/Personality Fit

Many of you know that I started in software engineering. I had been coding in some form since I was 12 and first got an Apple IIe. And then moved to Pascal, C, C++, and various Java / .Net flavors. I got my Master's in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Why Did You Switch from Software Development?

I was asked an interesting question this week that I was reflecting on, why did you switch? A combination of reasons, but the biggest above all is that I felt that part of myself was being underused. The part that enjoys communication, and working with customers directly. Not that developers don't work directly with customers, but it's not their primary jobs.

What Insights Can Help Someone Early in Their Career?

It strikes me that this kind of insight could help someone early in their careers. So the advice I would give someone is this:

First, know thyself. Observe others. Observe yourself with others. Observe why people seem to trust and come to you. Is it just for one thing, or is it for a range of topics?

You might be a generalist trapped in a specialist's body.

Second, as an engineer only, I felt like I was limiting my value. I felt that my value could be greater - hence my career potential but also my own enjoyment - if I was the only person in the room who would be able to speak not only to customer needs, but also to how the product actually worked -- like not how sales said it worked, or marketing explains how it works. (Sorry, sales)

What Is My Message to Those Early in Their Career?

So my message is pretty clear to those in the audience -- particularly early in career. If you feel like you are doing something you really enjoy, but also feel like there is another big, monetizable area you enjoy, try to find a way to migrate yourself in that direction.

Chances are, the combination of those two passions of yours could be a superpower for you.

That intuition that I wasn't serving myself as only an engineer has served me throughout my entire career.

Perhaps it will help someone out there today too.

Expert Consulting: How Will You Grow Your eCommerce Company?

When growth is elusive, I am an expert at asking incisive questions to surface the real issues and then present straightforward ideas that your team can actually implement.

Mistakes are expensive. They cost money, of course. What’s worse is the opportunity cost. I work with investors and management teams worldwide to help them get a handle on their digital business plans to execute a clear path forward.

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