eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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When Amazon, eBay, And Shopify Release Earnings In The Same Week

Big earnings week in late October featuring Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Here are a few questions I'll be paying attention to.


  • Any 1P Prime Day information?

  • What % of owned logistics are they carrying now?

  • What of the UK pilot for 3P logistics?

  • What are Advertising and AWS growth rates?


  • Jamie's second earnings call. Eerily quiet is how I'd describe the news so far.

  • Famously, Donahoe gave himself a 2-year turnaround period...I'm not hearing a lot of messaging on these sorts of topics at eBay. Will that change?


  • Have growth rates settled down at all?

  • What more up-market plans do they have for Shopify Plus? This seems to be a "balancing act" rather than an aggressive expansion up-market...

  • Shop Pay progress - what more will be announced?

  • Any fulfillment news? I hear mixed things

What are you interested in hearing?

  • Peter Schwartz: “if any make mention - particularly Amazon - of the DOJ vs Google news…if they'll (proactively) be making any moves to mitigate their own positions. Also, particularly for Amazon and eBay, how they anticipate the Xmas period will be for them. Based on logistics and potential COVID bottle-necks, both anticipate significant PRE-ORDERS...that's good for their position.”

  • Simile Ai: “We are especially interested in the future of Shopify especially with all the news surrounding TikTok. Looking forward to developing more Shopify solutions for e-commerce businesses.”

  • Disruptiv: “Will be interesting to see how each of these companies evolve during these high growth periods. Especially interested to see how Shopify evolves in the enterprise solution space and how they pivot to take on the more industrial eCommerce solutions like Magento.”

  • Enda Breslin: “I wonder if they'll sound the alarm bells on peak shipageddon.”