eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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The World's Supply Chain Is In Shambles

Every single eCommerce conversation I'm in right now revolves around supply chain. The sector was hot for investors before, but with the shortages, blockages, delays, and hiring challenges, that will only accelerate.

A few things stand out:

  • Container prices anywhere from 4-6x more expensive than the last couple of years depending on who you are.

  • Manufacturing seems a bit more stable, it's the ports.

  • Air freight prices rising as a result as the supply chain reacts.

  • US ports clogged as well, not enough capacity to deal with the backlog.

  • US carriers again will have issues dealing with holiday, they have already broadcast this with their rate cards. UPS and FedEx have frankly given up on keeping up with the growth -- if they are going to be overbooked, they are going to make a ton of margin on surcharges seems to be the plan. This is forcing people to consider alternative and regional carriers.

  • Your "average" 3PL has blown up due to space and throughput constraints. This causes stress on other 3PLs.

Only Amazon is investing "somewhat" ahead of it. I am convinced the only reason they have not yet built their own third-party carrier is because they don't feel confident yet they will be able to handle their own volume.