eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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The Real Reason Why Facebook Acquired Kustomer

Facebook acquired Kustomer. It admittedly has a lot of people scratching their heads.

Let's first say what it's not. It's not about Social Commerce. So let's stop talking about that.

I think it's about ads and building better customer models. And the future of consumer to business and business to business interactions, period. I think Facebook sees a future where people are just not willing to call a company again. Ever.

John Battelle coined the term "database of intentions" about Google because people type their hopes, dreams, and aspirations to the company, which attempts to spit out results.

I think one way Facebook feels it can leapfrog Amazon and Google is to have more deeper, conversational access to members of its platform. It creates opportunities.

I don't think Facebook is interested in selling business software in the traditional way. Each conversation is a consumer with needs, that likely Facebook already knows about. Each customer support conversation and interaction is a new surface for ads and improving consumer models.

Let's see what happens here, but I think this is Facebook creating the next generation of the telephone company, but with global scale. The service backplane of the world.