eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Shopify App - A Little Conflicted

Shopify released earnings this morning. The company has "deleted" its plans and is pretending this is the new normal for acceleration, boosted by a new 90 day trial. Wow.

A few things stood out to me from Tobi's comments in Q&A:

Shop App first:

  • Shop App's primary goal is to increase LTV (Parker Block music to your ears). A direct quote from Tobi.

  • In particular: "We aim to deepen relationships with brands you are already buying from." Shop App is not about consumer purchase consideration at all. (i.e. finding which brand to buy from). So yeah no marketplace.


  • The "local discovery" feature in the app was an experiment launched from a hack day. And is already driving at least some sales. That's good, because it feels bolted on.

  • The big problem is this feature is about discovery not LTV. Which is a little against the mission Tobi just talked about. The local brand you discover is a Shopify merchant with POS, not "someone you already bought from that you're trying to improve LTV on". So it's already a little conflicted.