eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Without Transparency, Managers Have Nothing

About 6 months into my first role as CEO at Merchantry, a sales manager I hired gave me some of the best feedback of my life as a manager.

"I like working here, but I can't get a read on you."

Here was this extremely emotionally open person always known for wearing their heart on their sleeves. Now they are telling me as a leader that they can't get a read on me?

The statement was kind and honest and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I've never forgotten the favor and also the feedback. We never once had an argument and worked together at multiple companies thereafter.

As a manager, your people rely on you to be honest, open, and have a point of view on what's going on with the market and with the company. If you are hedging, or shy about expressing your opinion, employees have a hard time knowing where they stand.

Which affects their performance.

If there are challenges, be clear about those challenges. The quieter and less open you are, the less confident your employees are about the company as well.