eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Maersk Move Down The Supply Chain To Make eCommerce Acquisitions

The cross-border sector is slowly recovering from the previous tariff-dominated political environment but still supply chain issues abound. Which is why I thought it was interesting that Maersk's recent acquisitions were interesting - moving down the supply chain and buying firms providing eCommerce services.

Almost everyone in logistics is trying to get smarter about how to acquire eCommerce share faster.

  • One, they bought US-based provider VisibleSCM which helps enable B2C shipping in the US through a number of 3PLs it operates, among other services

  • Maersk also acquired B2CEurope which provides parcel delivery solutions in the European market.

As the cost and complexity of getting containers goes up, this leg of the supply chain starts to have more leverage. Previously, it was common to see major shipping carriers acquire software and other technologies in the cross-border supply chain.

Every single person in my network is talking about the never-ending rise of shipping container costs right now. Some are able to absorb this cost, and some are passing the cost directly along to consumers. It often depends on the competitiveness of the market and the product.