eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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The Importance of Trust In The Sales Process

There are many schools of sales, but one element drives more of my sales thinking than anything else. And that is TRUST.

Without trust, everything else doesn't matter:

  • Marketing,

  • Materials,

  • One-Pagers.

Too many people focus on getting through their calls, getting through their pitches, creating the perfect presentation or PDF. All to give the buyer a boatload of hidden signs why they can't trust you.

Most early-stage buyers are trying to learn. Learn about their own issues, and learn about issues they might face in the future.

I find most late-stage buyers are simply looking to understand what you are good at. If you can't clearly communicate that, then you are already in trouble in an unrecoverable way.

More than anything, that requires humility about your own solution. Easy to say, difficult to do if you have a quota.