eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Facebook Is Poised to Own Fashion, Luxury & Beauty Shopping

There is a revolution happening beneath the surface of the eCommerce industry on Facebook right now.  You can detect it with a lot of their Shopping, Marketplace, Checkout, Augmented Reality (AR) focus.

Facebook is building out a unique vision that:

  • is unique to its own strengths (fashion, brands)

  • is where people already are (sharing, friends)

  • is innovative (I think they have a chance to really advance the bar in AR/VR-based shopping).

  • is focused on the front-end experience over the back-end.

So much that in 5 years, if Amazon continues to stand still in these areas, Amazon more and more turns into the "next Walmart" (i.e., grocery, replenishes, consumables), leaving Facebook in a prime position to own some of the most exciting parts of eCommerce - fashion, luxury, and beauty.