eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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What Does BigCommerce Acquiring Feedonomics Mean?

BigCommerce acquired Feedonomics at the end of July 2021. Here's what I think it means having spent a large majority of my career in and around this space:

  • This is one area where Shopify approach has been to build its own integrations to the channels or have its direct channel partners (i.e. Tiktok/Walmart) build integrations.

  • This sector is not hugely profitable, so it could be rolled up. Not necessarily a prediction.

  • The marketing channels (i.e. Walmart etc) are notoriously terrible at integration tech, and you often need some kind of translator technology for a few reasons:

    • Each channel has different marketing & integration requirements so even good data needs to be augmented and improved to be optimal.

    • Brand data is very bad, incomplete, inconsistent, different than what the channel needs, or all of these.

    • Brands need to connect to other systems (ERP and PIM mostly which these vendors can help with) I think ultimately while BigCommerce is primarily SMB today, it is aiming up-market at Enterprise. Shopify is not aiming at Enterprise.

The big questions coming out of this:

  1. Will Feedonomics shut off Shopify integrations?

  2. Will Shopify respond in some way? There are many other providers of this service already integrated to Shopify, they don't need to.