eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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When Adobe Met Walmart & Its Marketplace

Adobe announced a partnership with Walmart. Several readers asked me to give my take on it, now I understand why - even the Adobe CEO couldn't explain it in an interview. Only two things happened.

  1. Adobe Commerce said that it would "soon" integrate into the Walmart Marketplace. This is nothing to write home about. Shopify did this in June 2020. BigCommerce did this in February 2021. Welcome to July 2021, Adobe! BigCommerce acquired an entire company to do this exact thing more reliably - Feedonomics.

  2. Walmart promised that it would start selling some software in 2022 related to in-store pickup experiences. Nothing to talk about related to Walmart Marketplace. It's another channel. Whee! On the software side:

    1. This software is not even released. Not until next year.

    2. Who will sell it and support it? (WMT has no software sales and support team)

  3. There is no strategy here by Walmart. This is Walmart's Amazon envy here pure and simple.

  4. These partnerships are not exclusives. If they are, I did not read that, and it would be strategic suicide in any event.

  5. How many SMBs and mid-market retailers are a fit for software that the largest retailer in the world built for itself?